Source code for dask_kubernetes.common.auth

Defines different methods to configure a connection to a Kubernetes cluster.
import asyncio
import base64
import contextlib
import copy
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os

import kubernetes
import kubernetes_asyncio
from kubernetes_asyncio.client import Configuration
from kubernetes_asyncio.config.dateutil import parse_rfc3339
from kubernetes_asyncio.config.google_auth import google_auth_credentials
from kubernetes_asyncio.config.kube_config import KubeConfigLoader, KubeConfigMerger

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

tzUTC = datetime.timezone.utc

class AutoRefreshKubeConfigLoader(KubeConfigLoader):
    Extends KubeConfigLoader, automatically attempts to refresh authentication
    credentials before they expire.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AutoRefreshKubeConfigLoader, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self._retry_count = 0
        self._max_retries = float("Inf")
        self.auto_refresh = True
        self.refresh_task = None
        self.last_refreshed = None
        self.token_expire_ts = None

    def __del__(self):
        self.auto_refresh = False

    def extract_oid_expiration_from_provider(self, provider):
        Extracts the expiration datestamp for the provider token
        provider : authentication provider dictionary.

        expires : expiration timestamp
        parts = provider["config"]["id-token"].split(".")

        if len(parts) != 3:
            raise ValueError("oidc: JWT tokens should contain 3 period-delimited parts")

        id_token = parts[1]
        # Re-pad the unpadded JWT token
        id_token += (4 - len(id_token) % 4) * "="
        jwt_attributes = json.loads(base64.b64decode(id_token).decode("utf8"))
        expires = jwt_attributes.get("exp")

        return expires

    async def create_refresh_task_from_expiration_timestamp(self, expiration_timestamp):
        Takes an expiration timestamp, and creates a refresh task to ensure that the token
        does not expire.

        expiration_timestamp : time at which the current authentication token will expire

        # Set our token expiry to be actual expiry - 20%
        expiry = parse_rfc3339(expiration_timestamp)
        expiry_delta = datetime.timedelta(
            seconds=(expiry -
        scaled_expiry_delta = datetime.timedelta(
            seconds=0.8 * expiry_delta.total_seconds()

        self.refresh_task = asyncio.create_task(
                when=scaled_expiry_delta.total_seconds(), reschedule_on_failure=True

        self.last_refreshed =
        self.token_expire_ts = self.last_refreshed + scaled_expiry_delta

    async def refresh_after(self, when, reschedule_on_failure=False):
        Refresh kuberenetes authentication
        when : Seconds before we should refresh. This should be set to some delta before
            the actual token expiration time, or you will likely see authentication race
            / failure conditions.

        reschedule_on_failure : If the refresh task fails, re-try in 30 seconds, until
            _max_retries is exceeded, then raise an exception.

        if not self.auto_refresh:

            msg=f"Refresh_at coroutine sleeping for "
            f"{int(when // 60)} minutes {(when % 60):0.2f} seconds."
            await asyncio.sleep(when)
            if self.provider == "gcp":
                await self.refresh_gcp_token()
            elif self.provider == "oidc":
                await self.refresh_oid_token()
            elif "exec" in self._user:
                logger.warning(msg="Auto-refresh doesn't support generic ExecProvider")

        except Exception as e:
                msg=f"Authentication refresh failed for provider '{self.provider}.'",
            if not reschedule_on_failure or self._retry_count > self._max_retries:

            logger.warning(msg=f"Retrying '{self.provider}' in 30 seconds.")
            self._retry_count += 1
            self.refresh_task = asyncio.create_task(self.refresh_after(30))

    async def refresh_oid_token(self):
        Adapted from kubernetes_asyncio/config/kube_config:_load_oid_token

        Refreshes the existing oid token, if necessary, and creates a refresh task
        that will keep the token from expiring.

        provider = self._user["auth-provider"]

        logger.debug("Refreshing OID token.")

        if "config" not in provider:
            raise ValueError("oidc: missing configuration")

        if (not self.token_expire_ts) or (
            self.token_expire_ts <=
            await self._refresh_oidc(provider)
            expires = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(

            await self.create_refresh_task_from_expiration_timestamp(

            self.token = "Bearer {}".format(provider["config"]["id-token"])

    async def refresh_gcp_token(self):
        Adapted from kubernetes_asyncio/config/kube_config:load_gcp_token

        Refreshes the existing gcp token, if necessary, and creates a refresh task
        that will keep the token from expiring.

        if "config" not in self._user["auth-provider"]:
            self._user["auth-provider"].value["config"] = {}

        config = self._user["auth-provider"]["config"]

        if (not self.token_expire_ts) or (
            self.token_expire_ts <=

            logger.debug("Refreshing GCP token.")
            if self._get_google_credentials is not None:
                if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self._get_google_credentials):
                    credentials = await self._get_google_credentials()
                    credentials = self._get_google_credentials()
                # config is read-only.
                extra_args = " --force-auth-refresh"
                _config = {
                    "cmd-args": config["cmd-args"] + extra_args,
                    "cmd-path": config["cmd-path"],
                credentials = await google_auth_credentials(_config)

            config.value["access-token"] = credentials.token
            config.value["expiry"] = credentials.expiry

            # Set our token expiry to be actual expiry - 20%
            await self.create_refresh_task_from_expiration_timestamp(

            if self._config_persister:

            self.token = "Bearer %s" % config["access-token"]

    async def _load_oid_token(self):
        Overrides KubeConfigLoader implementation.
        Auth token
        await self.refresh_oid_token()

        return self.token

    async def load_gcp_token(self):
        Override KubeConfigLoader implementation so that we can keep track of the expiration timestamp
        and automatically refresh auth tokens.

        GCP access token
        await self.refresh_gcp_token()

        return self.token

class AutoRefreshConfiguration(Configuration):
    Extends kubernetes_async Configuration to support automatic token refresh.
    Lets us keep track of the original loader object, which can be used
    to regenerate the authentication token.

    def __init__(self, loader, refresh_frequency=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AutoRefreshConfiguration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Set refresh api callback
        self.refresh_api_key_hook = self.refresh_api_key
        self.last_refreshed =
        self.loader = loader

    # Adapted from kubernetes_asyncio/client/
    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        Modified so that we don't try to deep copy the loader off the config
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        memo[id(self)] = result
        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
            if k not in ("logger", "logger_file_handler", "loader"):
                setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))

        # shallow copy loader object
        result.loader = self.loader
        # shallow copy of loggers
        result.logger = copy.copy(self.logger)
        # use setters to configure loggers
        result.logger_file = self.logger_file
        result.debug = self.debug

        return result

    def refresh_api_key(self, client_configuration):
        Checks to see if the loader has updated the authentication token. If it
        has, the token is copied from the loader into the current configuration.

        This function is assigned to Configuration.refresh_api_key_hook, and will
        fire when entering get_api_key_with_prefix, before the api_key is retrieved.
        if self.loader.last_refreshed is not None:
            if (
                self.last_refreshed is None
                or self.last_refreshed < self.loader.last_refreshed
                logger.debug("Entering refresh_api_key_hook")
                ] = client_configuration.loader.token
                self.last_refreshed =

[docs]class ClusterAuth(object): """ An abstract base class for methods for configuring a connection to a Kubernetes API server. Examples -------- >>> from dask_kubernetes import KubeConfig >>> auth = KubeConfig(context='minikube') >>> from dask_kubernetes import KubeAuth >>> auth = KubeAuth(host='https://localhost', username='superuser', password='pass') """
[docs] async def load(self): """ Load Kubernetes configuration and set as default Raises ------ kubernetes.client.KubeConfigException """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @staticmethod async def load_first(auth=None): """ Load the first valid configuration in the list *auth*. A single configuration method can be passed. Parameters ---------- auth: List[ClusterAuth] (optional) Configuration methods to attempt in order. Defaults to ``[InCluster(), KubeConfig()]``. """ if auth is None: auth = ClusterAuth.DEFAULT elif isinstance(auth, ClusterAuth): auth = [auth] elif isinstance(auth, list): if not auth: raise kubernetes_asyncio.config.ConfigException( "No authorization methods were provided" ) else: msg = ( "Invalid authorization method provided. See ClusterAuth " "docstring for ways to specify authentication methods" ) raise ValueError(msg) auth_exc = None for auth_instance in auth: try: await auth_instance.load() except ( kubernetes_asyncio.config.ConfigException, kubernetes.config.ConfigException, ) as exc: logger.debug( "Failed to load configuration with %s method: %s", auth_instance.__class__, exc, ) auth_exc = exc else: break else: raise auth_exc
[docs]class InCluster(ClusterAuth): """Configure the Kubernetes connection from a container's environment. This authentication method is intended for use when the client is running in a container started by Kubernetes with an authorized service account. This loads the mounted service account token and discovers the Kubernetes API via Kubernetes service discovery. """ async def load(self): kubernetes.config.load_incluster_config() kubernetes_asyncio.config.load_incluster_config()
[docs]class KubeConfig(ClusterAuth): """Configure the Kubernetes connection from a kubeconfig file. Parameters ---------- config_file: str (optional) The path of the kubeconfig file to load. Defaults to the value of the ``KUBECONFIG`` environment variable, or the string ``~/.kube/config``. context: str (optional) The kubeconfig context to use. Defaults to the value of ``current-context`` in the configuration file. persist_config: bool (optional) Whether changes to the configuration will be saved back to disk (e.g. GCP token refresh). Defaults to ``True``. """ def __init__(self, config_file=None, context=None, persist_config=True): self.config_file = config_file self.context = context self.persist_config = persist_config async def load(self): with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): if self.config_file is None: self.config_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(os.environ.get("KUBECONFIG", "~/.kube/config")) ) await self.load_kube_config() # Adapted from from kubernetes_asyncio/config/ def get_kube_config_loader_for_yaml_file(self): kcfg = KubeConfigMerger(self.config_file) config_persister = None if self.persist_config: config_persister = kcfg.save_changes() return AutoRefreshKubeConfigLoader( config_dict=kcfg.config, config_base_path=None, config_persister=config_persister, ) # Adapted from kubernetes_asyncio/config/ async def load_kube_config(self): # Create a config loader, this will automatically refresh our credentials before they expire loader = self.get_kube_config_loader_for_yaml_file() # Grab our async + callback aware configuration config = AutoRefreshConfiguration(loader) await loader.load_and_set(config) Configuration.set_default(config)
[docs]class KubeAuth(ClusterAuth): """Configure the Kubernetes connection explicitly. Parameters ---------- host: str The base URL of the Kubernetes host to connect username: str (optional) Username for HTTP basic authentication password: str (optional) Password for HTTP basic authentication debug: bool (optional) Debug switch verify_ssl: bool (optional) Set this to false to skip verifying SSL certificate when calling API from https server. Defaults to ``True``. ssl_ca_cert: str (optional) Set this to customize the certificate file to verify the peer. cert_file: str (optional) Client certificate file key_file: str (optional) Client key file assert_hostname: bool (optional) Set this to True/False to enable/disable SSL hostname verification. Defaults to True. proxy: str (optional) URL for a proxy to connect through """ def __init__(self, host, **kwargs): # We need to create a new configuration in this way, because if we just # instantiate a new Configuration object we will get the default # values. config = type.__call__(kubernetes.client.Configuration) = host for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(config, key, value) self.config = config async def load(self): kubernetes.client.Configuration.set_default(self.config) await kubernetes_asyncio.client.Configuration.set_default(self.config)
ClusterAuth.DEFAULT = [InCluster(), KubeConfig()]